The Leftovers Part 2: Buddha Bowl

Leftovers Part 2:

Buddha Bowl

Three days of Roast... typically I cannot make myself eat leftovers on day 2, but I am really maximizing the roast. Tonights dinner took a spin off last night and became my version of a Buddha Bowl.  What is a Buddha Bowl? According to Martha Stewart “It's more of a general formula than a hard-and-fast recipe, since you can swap out different ingredients for variety and to make use of whatever you have on hand." I am not sure if mine falls under the "super healthy" umbrella, but you get the point. Buddha Bowl- a good balance of the different foods you have available.

My Buddha Bowl ingredients were rice, roast, sweet peppers, corn and avocado- topping it all off with that cream cheese sauce again and Sriracha. There was one pupusa left and it was calling my name, so I put it in the frying pan. What will be in your Buddha Bowl? 


Buddha Bowl-3.jpg

Finding the right balance in life can be hard sometimes, but I bet if you take a step back you will be able to find the balance you need to succeed. 

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